Frontend Features
Great user interfaces are responsive and compatible with all devices with new features.
- Responsive design: Responsive design and compatible with all devices.
- Optimize ad placements: New and improved ads on all pages (blog, download page, home, etc…)
- Multilanguage: Now you can translate your website into more than 100+ different languages.
- Upload APK Files: Uploading APK files in home page or in user dashboard.
- File Protection: APK File password protection supported.
- Expiration time: Easily set APK file expiration time through upload box.
- Chunk upload: Upload large APK files easily even with medium server bandwidth with chunk upload.
- Blog: Blog page and articles available.
- Contact & FAQ: In addition to the presence of the contact form and FAQ on the main page, there is a special page for each of them.
- Email verification: Confirm the email for each new user and can be activated or disabled from the control panel.
- Hot links protection: Protect hot links by disabling access to them.
- Report option: Reporting files option available.
Backend Features
Now as admin you will be able to control your website easily with our new admin panel and features.
- Dashboard: View your site statistics, users, uploads, etc…
- Users: Manage your site users, control their accounts, and view all their activities.
- Uploads: Manage the uploads on your site, whether the uploads of users or guests.
- Reported files: Protect your site by reviewing the reported files by users or visitors.
- Advertisements: Start earning money by adding advertisements to your site.
- Navigation: Easily manage and control your site navigations.
- Blog: Increase your site’s ranks in search engines by adding articles to your site’s blog.
- Settings
- General: Manage your website general settings.
- Upload: Control the upload settings in your website.
- Storage: Manage and set your website storage.
- SMTP: Edit and update your SMTP information.
- Pages: Create and update your website pages.
- Admins: Add and update your website admins.
- Extensions: Enable or disable your website extensions.
- Languages: Add and update your website languages or translate.
- Mail Templates: Manage your website mail templates.
- SEO Configurations: Create and manage your SEO configurations.
- Manage sections
- Home Features: Add or edit site features on the home page.
- Home FAQ: Add or edit site FAQ.
- Home Counters: Manage the home page counters.
- Extra Features
- PopUp Notice: Post an announcement or alert on all pages of your site using the popup notice.
- Custom CSS: Change the look of your site by adding CSS codes.
- Addons Manager: Control the add-ons installed on your site.
- Clear Cache: Delete your site cache when making any modifications.
- Server Requirements
- PHP 8.2x
- Operating System: Linux or Windows
- Shared, VPS or Dedicated Server
- MySql: 5.7+
- Required Upgrades
- Enabling of allow_url_fopen
- Increasing of max_execution_time
- Increasing of max_input_time
- Increasing of post_max_size
- Increasing of memory_limit
- Increasing of upload_max_filesize
- PHP Extensions
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- pdo_mysql PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- cURL PHP Extension
- GD PHP Extension
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